Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Almighty

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
 Revelation 1:8*

All strength + All power + All energy = Almighty. This title focuses on the omnipotence of Christ making every other mighty thing in our experience appear to be feeble by comparison.

Strength – Man has magnified his own muscular strength many millions of times through the machinery he is capable of constructing. Big earth moving equipment can literally move mountains. The huge dragline cranes found in open pit mines can scoop up and lift twenty tons of ore in a single bucket load. Very impressive. However, the blue whale, a creature of the Lord’s design, hurls five times that weight into the air every time it leaps from the ocean.

Power – The most powerful instrument at man’s disposal is the nuclear bomb capable of reducing an entire city to rubble. The thousands of such weapons found in arsenals around the world can destroy human civilization many times over. However, even if every one of these big firecrackers were to go off, they could only scorch the surface of the planet. Christ has the power to melt down all the elements of earth with just the words of His mouth (2 Peter 3:10).

Energy – Every form of energy found on earth can be directly or ultimately traced back to the sun. It warms the world and energizes living things. However, there are stars that are so gigantic that they could hold one hundred million of our suns within each of them. When these finally burn out, Christ can make more. After all, He is Almighty.

*also 48 Old Testament references including 31 in the book of Job

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