so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely
threaten them, that from now on they speak to no man in this name. So
they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in
the name of Jesus.
Acts 4:17-18
Acts 4:17-18
arch villain in J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” book series is an
evil sorcerer called Lord Voldemort. So terrible and intimidating is
this antagonist that most characters refer to him as
Christ’s crucifixion the Jewish Sanhedrin made the Savior’s name
illegal. Peter and John were beaten and imprisoned for using it and
Stephen was executed for preaching in that forbidden name. Throughout
church history, believers have had their property seized and have
been tortured, hanged, and burnt at the stake for mentioning “He-who-shall-not-be-named.”
Pakistan, March 12, 2014: the homes of over 200 Christian families and a number of churches burned to the ground by an angry mob. They were accused of testifying to their faith in Jesus Christ by going to church.
Pakistan, March 12, 2014: the homes of over 200 Christian families and a number of churches burned to the ground by an angry mob. They were accused of testifying to their faith in Jesus Christ by going to church.
Saudi Arabia, April 7, 2014: A young Filipino girl employed as a maid
had her mouth and left eye sewn shut with fish line for the crime of
saying that Christ Jesus was her Savior.
State occupied Iraq, December 27, 2014: A spokesman for ISIS
announced to the remaining Iraqi Christians: “We will break your
crosses and enslave your women.” Earlier in the year, hundreds of
Christian men and boys were executed for not converting to Islam and
3,500 Christian women were sold as slaves.
China, July 14, 2015: The Communist government continued its program to remove crosses from government licensed churches. Those who refuse have their churches bulldozed and their pastors imprisoned.
China, July 14, 2015: The Communist government continued its program to remove crosses from government licensed churches. Those who refuse have their churches bulldozed and their pastors imprisoned.
and very soon, the Anti-Christ will set up his world kingdom and then
for a very short time, the name that is above every name will become He-who-shall-not-be-named.
Oh Lord, how long!!? How Long!!?
Oh Lord, how long!!? How Long!!?
so come Lord Jesus!
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