Monday, November 2, 2015

Morning Star

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
2 Peter 1:19
The lights of the big cities make even basic astronomy difficult to observe. For that reason, modern man knows less about the night sky than the average person did a century ago. One thing, however, is still readily visible even for the least experienced observer – the morning star.
Although three celestial bodies will share the title at different times during the year, a morning star is the last star to be still seen shining as the sun begins to rise. The brightest star in the heavens is Sirius, found in the constellation Canis Major, but in July and August it’s hailed as the morning star. The planets Venus and Mercury also compete for the title at other times during the year.
The Lord Jesus shines in the hearts of believers and that light has gone into very dark places. Its brilliance can be seen through depression and despair. Even during divorce or the loss of a loved one, the Savior can be seen. When other points of reference seem to disappear, our Morning Star still shines in His full glory.
Who is this, who comes to meet me,
                   On the desert way,
As the Morning Star foretelling
God’s unclouded day?
He it is who came to win me,
                   On the cross of shame;
In His glory well I know Him,
                   Evermore the same.

Gerhard Tersteegen 1697
*see also Revelation 2:28 and 22:16

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