am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and
will go in and out and find pasture.
John 10:9
John 10:9
come in many shapes and sizes. It can be as simple as a slab of ice
that covers the opening to an igloo or an inlaid ivory and gold
masterpiece before the throne room of the king. When all is said and
done, a door is just a device that allows easy access to a place that
was designed to keep other things out.
doors come equipped with locks or even armed guards which determine
who can go in and who stays out. A bank would be worthless if
everyone could go in and out anytime they wanted.
Heaven has a Door. His name is Jesus. In Luke 16, Christ told a story about a very rich man (unlisted name) and a very, very poor man named Lazarus. Lazarus was a believer and the other guy wasn’t. In the end, they both died. After his fancy funeral, the soul of the billionaire was cast into Hades. Lazarus died full of sores on some side street; no one paid much attention. That is, no one except for Jesus.
Heaven has a Door. His name is Jesus. In Luke 16, Christ told a story about a very rich man (unlisted name) and a very, very poor man named Lazarus. Lazarus was a believer and the other guy wasn’t. In the end, they both died. After his fancy funeral, the soul of the billionaire was cast into Hades. Lazarus died full of sores on some side street; no one paid much attention. That is, no one except for Jesus.
his body was cold, the angels of God carried his soul to paradise and
he was cradled in Abraham’s bosom. When the rich man saw that, he
wanted to go there too – Not Allowed! Then, he wanted that lowly
Lazarus to bring him some water – Not Allowed!
don’t get to heaven just because they want in or even because they
think they deserve it. The bottom line of the story is explained in
the chorus of the African-American spiritual, “Rock my Soul in the
Bosom of Abraham.”
high, you can’t get over it
So wide, you can’t get around it
So low, you can’t get under it
You gotta go through the Door
So wide, you can’t get around it
So low, you can’t get under it
You gotta go through the Door
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