And He is
the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all
things He may have the preeminence.
Colossians 1:18*
The reality that Jesus rose from the dead is one of the most
important tenants of the Christian faith. Because Christ rose from the dead,
all true believers have the hope and assurance of resurrection, which is based
on the fact that the Lord is the firstborn
from the dead.
Unfortunately, many don’t understand this title because Jesus wasn't the very first to rise from the dead. Both Elijah and Elisha brought someone back from death and a cadaver also came to life where it touched
Elisha’s bones. Christ also resurrected three people before coming back to life
The title doesn't refer to chronological order but to legal
right. The firstborn is the heir. He owns it and can give it to others as He
wishes. Life, the power of resurrection, and immortality belong to the Lord and
those who rose from the grave before Jesus did so by His power and authority.
He always has the preeminence.
Yes! He came from heaven,
Suffered in our stead;
Praise to Him be given,
“Firstborn from the dead!”
Jesus, meek and lowly,
Come the lost to save;
He the victim holy
Triumphed o’re the grave.
Suffered in our stead;
Praise to Him be given,
“Firstborn from the dead!”
Jesus, meek and lowly,
Come the lost to save;
He the victim holy
Triumphed o’re the grave.
K. Burlingham (1842-1901)
*see also Revelations 1:5
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