Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Mediator of a Better Covenant

But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.
Hebrews 8:6
 Better is “more gooder.” It’s been improvised on, greater than, and superior to whatever it is being compared to. Here, Christ is the Mediator of a Better Covenant, so the new relationship He establishes with God outshines anything and everything involved in the old covenant of law keeping.
The nation of Israel was a privileged people. God revealed everything He wanted them to do by giving them a written law. This included a list of moral standards which established right and wrong (the ten Commandments) and also gave a code of social and ceremonial laws. With this spiritual contract came great benefits and responsibilities. God promised to bless the Jewish people greatly when they obeyed His laws. Through obedience they would be given military victories, exponential growth, and wealth that compounded annually.
Disobedience, on the other hand, resulted in serious consequences: military defeats, famines, plagues, climate change, poverty, captivity, exile, and after that, things really got bad.
God’s covenant of law only worked when His people heard what He said and obeyed it. Since the human heart is hard, the years of God’s blessing were few and the years of cursing many.
The New Covenant that Christ ushered in changed all areas of the contract for the better:

         · God’s blessings are based on a person’s faith and not a result of works.
· Christ supplies us with grace which is His power to save and transform.
· Temporal blessings on earth are replaced with eternal life.
· God no longer seems distant. He is Immanuel, God with us.
· The emphasis isn't inheriting the land, but being joint heirs with Christ.
· Christians have the promise of victory over sin and death and hell.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being the Mediator of a Better Covenant.

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